DASH Dice Game
It’s time for some Dash I reckon , it came out in 2014 and it started out as Xcoin, but was renamed later one to Dash once allegations came out that it was being used on the darkweb for less than normal purposes but lets carry on it’s sole purpose was to compete with the long confirmation times required for bitcoin, which they did, basically dash transactions confirm in a matter of seconds, making it a very feasible payment method to play in games like trx dice. It’s using an InstantSend feature which basically makes any transfer go through in a matter of 1-2 seconds, making it one of the fastest cryptocurrency out there. A dash block is mined in about about 2.5 minutes, but with the masternodes feature it basically bypasses the time required to block a mine by confirming transactions via multiple validations from masternodes on the network, impressive right ?! It is currently in the top 100 coins marketcap wise , number 78 , though it was number 12 back in 2019.
Despite being on the market for a long time aswell as the insanely fast transaction speed, apparently Dash isn’t quite as popular as dogecoin casino dice, even though they were the most popular crypto in Venezuela back in 2019, it tends to fall under the radar, even though it surpassed coins as LTC, but we see it as a very promising coin and we’d had it implemented since it’s early days. So try your dash dice game with a instant dash deposit, or why not even our faucet, and stack up on this lightning fast coin as long as you can, cause we see a bright future for it.