Flattest Flashbet Contest! $100 in prizes!

OK guys,

We're gonna give this contest format another try!


  1. Must post a recent deposit (within the last 7 days) in this thread to enter.
  2. Must use flashbet. Bet any chance, any number of bets, and any coin you like.
  3. Winner will be the person who has longest streak AND a profit/loss closest to 0. (More bets = more better!)
  4. You can post as many entries as you like.......but please do so as sparingly as possible
  5. Contest ends in a week!
    Good luck Duckers!!

Prizes by place:

  1. $50
  2. $20
  3. $10
  4. $5
  5. $5

The following algorithm will be used to determine the score of each entry:


This looks very interesting, I will certainly be having a go at this during the next 7 days 😂

looks good, i will try to win this 😁



Remember to post a recent deposit in this thread to enter! 😁 (copy and paste code from share to chat)


lol like that?



lol why my depo didnt appear in this post

Idk deposits aren't showing, but I brought it up to the admins




Posting deposits is working again!