25 usd worth of SG tokens-

Get up to 100% crypto back via SocialGood App

Shop up to $10,000 practically for FREE

📈SocialGood (SG) is listed on Bittrex etc., the price has increased 7,529%

📲Use invitation code: 9GNFVJ to get $25 to shop practically free at eBay and 1,800+ stores


aishteru said:

Get up to 100% crypto back via SocialGood App

Shop up to $10,000 practically for FREE

📈SocialGood (SG) is listed on Bittrex etc., the price has increased 7,529%

📲Use invitation code: 9GNFVJ to get $25 to shop practically free at eBay and 1,800+ stores


I will check it. Thank you:)

Sukh123 said:

I will check it. Thank you:)

you need to use their browser when buying online and the rebate will be in sg tokens.