Duck's Own Pot

How about bringing the Fortune Pot over to Duck as well? It could revive the old lottery in spirit, by having people play for a share of what players put into it.

Real chat estate
Player session stats, level, and system messages, like the Fortune Pot one, could stand to be smaller. If not less frequent where it could apply.

Summer event
"The recommended bet amount is 50 satoshi, the XP progress from less than this amount will not be visible but still taken into an account."
This is inaccurate. Is this tied to usd value rather? Seeing as the required amount seems to have gone down while the market is up.

duckpot, i've aired similar idea before e.g. lottery, think maybe we have some thinking to do ....

yes totally the big boxes are taking up too chat room XD

summer event, not sure, will have to check