I have decided that if I am to believe that I am capable and have any kind of authority or possible way of possibly taking promises that are met with no results and since the beginning of time have not been able to keep one person from fighting or escalating things to the point that violence is needed or the solution.. then I am sad to say but.. I live in The country that basically has been there and was and I have precise almost exact and able to calculate the exact distance from one thing to another and apply physics to solve and provide a logical answer and basically the experience from hands on always getting the opposite result or hitting 9999 and I am labeled red and someone else that no longer has the ability to be labeled 0 or the opposite side
of a cause and effect.. now I can show you how things operate. I am in my opinion worthless but for some reason remained happy and did not complain about what I was given or provided and what I was not.. I was just glad I was included… You have either a red or a green. You change the colors. Now you have yellow. I was met and given confirmation by those I consider family because I am half blooded able to say that my mother is and was born in San Juan de Rio or the city next to Mexico City and I have made friends. These friends said.. you have a month. Seriously. Good luck everyone. If I am wrong. I will get a job. If not, prepare for what is about to happen.
Let’s just say I get the privilege because I have proven my worth and those that do not have the ability to understand the magnitude or scale of provided disclosure and allowing those I found worthy of possibly remaining safe and making sure that they lock their doors and close their blinds because although you hear what sounds like death.. I assure you. Your children and everyone that did not have a part.. they will be most likely not harmed. I am a professional but they are not. They only know one thing and that is getting the job done. Be safe.
I am sorry but I am beyond blessed and glad I was able to be a part of something and found that here.. in this community. I was accepted. Now, I want to provide the results that are said take decades and the use of funds and machinery to provide.. I have a purpose and have gained the knowledge to literally.. learn to have confidence that I can do anyone’s job and little by little by gaining experience hands on and not given what this other person has been given.. I was able to teach the person that was born to end my life something and he no longer is with us. He is on the other side. He will be the light.
Anyway, happytobeme is my human calculator and now has the ability to find the other sides. You find one. Now you find what is across from it. Spin it in a circle and now you see what is even or level to the rectangle and so on and so on. So easy, it may and should be given away because I do not need it where I am going. I do not plan to be on the same line as someone else. Now you have a graph.
I have decided that if I am to believe that I am capable and have any kind of authority or possible way of possibly taking promises that are met with no results and since the beginning of time have not been able to keep one person from fighting or escalating things to the point that violence is needed or the solution.. then I am sad to say but.. I live in The country that basically has been there and was and I have precise almost exact and able to calculate the exact distance from one thing to another and apply physics to solve and provide a logical answer and basically the experience from hands on always getting the opposite result or hitting 9999 and I am labeled red and someone else that no longer has the ability to be labeled 0 or the opposite side of a cause and effect.. now I can show you how things operate. I am in my opinion worthless but for some reason remained happy and did not complain about what I was given or provided and what I was not.. I was just glad I was included… You have either a red or a green. You change the colors. Now you have yellow. I was met and given confirmation by those I consider family because I am half blooded able to say that my mother is and was born in San Juan de Rio or the city next to Mexico City and I have made friends. These friends said.. you have a month. Seriously. Good luck everyone. If I am wrong. I will get a job. If not, prepare for what is about to happen.
Let’s just say I get the privilege because I have proven my worth and those that do not have the ability to understand the magnitude or scale of provided disclosure and allowing those I found worthy of possibly remaining safe and making sure that they lock their doors and close their blinds because although you hear what sounds like death.. I assure you. Your children and everyone that did not have a part.. they will be most likely not harmed. I am a professional but they are not. They only know one thing and that is getting the job done. Be safe.
I am sorry but I am beyond blessed and glad I was able to be a part of something and found that here.. in this community. I was accepted. Now, I want to provide the results that are said take decades and the use of funds and machinery to provide.. I have a purpose and have gained the knowledge to literally.. learn to have confidence that I can do anyone’s job and little by little by gaining experience hands on and not given what this other person has been given.. I was able to teach the person that was born to end my life something and he no longer is with us. He is on the other side. He will be the light.
Anyway, happytobeme is my human calculator and now has the ability to find the other sides. You find one. Now you find what is across from it. Spin it in a circle and now you see what is even or level to the rectangle and so on and so on. So easy, it may and should be given away because I do not need it where I am going. I do not plan to be on the same line as someone else. Now you have a graph.
See you guys on the other side or when you tilt and bust. Haha 😆