Biswap is the first decentralized exchange platform on the market with a three-type referral system and the lowest platform transaction fees (0.1%). We are a decentralized exchange platform for swapping BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain network. This network guarantees superior speed and much lower network transaction cost.
Refund of the commission for the exchange, for some time it did not work, today it was repaired and everything was credited, so this amount is good.
Up to 100% of the trading fee returned in BSW tokens
You can exchange 26 cryptocurrencies, new pairs for exchange are added.
Biswap Farms offer multiple farming opportunities to our users. You can stake your LP tokens and earn BSW tokens in return.
We will incentivize many liquidity pairs by offering our Liquidity Providers the chance to stake their LP tokens in our farms.
A bug bounty is a program, offered by Biswap, by which users of the platform can receive compensation and recognition for reporting bugs, especially those pertaining to security exploits and vulnerabilities. By implementing this program, Biswap allows its users to earn BSW tokens for reporting bugs and preventing incidents of widespread abuse.
Your safety has always been our top priority. Our team is extremely committed to providing the service of the highest caliber of quality as well as ensuring the safeness of the platform. As part our invites users to help protect and improve Biswap platform.
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Audit on the Certik Foundation page
Total Value Locked (TVL) $231 932 078
If you have read to the end I will be grateful if you register using my referral link
The chart can be viewed here sometimes it is late