Story of the life of 5 footers

Can't even get private forum.

Quite . .sad I've lost so. Much

5 foot appreciation?

i'm sure they'll work out a way of having the level requirement fixed to the high roller lounge, we did once have a club room for just level 5 players, (well and lowly 2 foot mods) - but it wasn't used at all

Yeah, private section sounds like a logical development for a forum. And we apprecaite you Yrolowa (btw, is it auto generated username?), especially when you are not in a "grumpy mode" :))

So you have posted on the private part and then become a level 4 user and can't access your own topics anymore. πŸ˜‚

BTW, why do we see topic of users who are ignored? 😌

Dre1982 said:

So you have posted on the private part and then become a level 4 user and can't access your own topics anymore. πŸ˜‚

BTW, why do we see topic of users who are ignored? 😌

cause forum is public and no option to ignore any users posts πŸ€”

I am a 5 footer mod. I belong here. Like syrup with waffles

Stan said:

Yeah, private section sounds like a logical development for a forum. And we apprecaite you Yrolowa (btw, is it auto generated username?), especially when you are not in a "grumpy mode" :))

@Stan you aren't a 5 footer what are you doing here lol