Many believe ( including our very own 0 hunter Dre ) that a paper wallet is the best way to hold your bitcoin , safe from hackers , as it's private keys are kept offline .
A paper wallet is a piece of paper containing both your private key and public key and they've been popular since the early days of bitcoin.
Here's how you can make your very own Btc paper wallet :
Scan your computer and make sure there's no malware on it , once that's done set up an offline printer.
Download an paper wallet generator ( you can do this online aswell , but it's safest to download a zip copy of the website - after downloading the zip file scan it first for any malware ) - best one which I'd recommend is
Before generating a paper wallet, disconnect the computer and printer from the internet. Choose a web browser such as Chrome or Firefox to use and disable all of its add-ons and extensions.
Once you disconnected from the internet click the file from the unzipped files , and open it with your browser ( make sure you have extensions and add-ons disabled)
you can write random words , letters etc in the text box to add more randomness while generating your paper wallet.
Once generated your desired wallets print them out using an offline printer.
5 . Once you've printed your wallet , deleted all downloaded files , clear the printer's cache and restart your computer before going online.
And voila ( excuse my french) now you have a safe btc paper wallet.
Pro-tip : Don't let your dog check the paper wallet .