With crypto currencies popularity increasing every day , so does the amount of people trying to steal it from you , so here are some personal quick notes on how you can be more secure :
Probably one of the most underrated but also most important is to enable your 2fa authentification !!
Not your private keys , not your crypto - I can't stress enough how important it is not to keep large amounts of crypto on centralized exchanges , online wallets etc . There have been so many cases where exchanges / online wallets etc have been hacked or self hacked causing people to lose astronomical figures. Best advice would be to purchase an hardware wallet , I personally use an ledger nano , it is affordable , and easy to use . Basically what it means it's that every outgoing tx from your wallet has to be confirmed by the ledger , which you plug in into your usb confirm the transaction , plug out . Easy , safe , reliable :).
If it's too good to be true , it's a scam - There are so many new ways pop-ing up , ways to make you rich overnight , that seem so good that we let our greed blind us and parting us with our money . Here are some popular too good to be true scams :
Altcoin giveaways by popular figures - there's a trend for some time of popular figures online to have their accounts hacked and offering , bitcoin , eth , xrp , and other popular coins giveaways , which require you to send your coins , and receive 2x-5x-10x in return in a quick period of time .
Browser extensions scams - Some people try to convince you to they found a way to deposit into a popular casino , and magically double your balance due to a bug / coding error etc.
People claiming they have their coins stuck on an exchange and they need your help to withdraw it and you can keep a large part of it - usually how this goes is that you randomly receive a message from someone via telegram , discord etc , claiming they need help withdrawing their BTC or other coins from an exchange , and you can keep part of it , once you go on said exchange in order to withdraw the 2 btc balance lets say they will ask you something along the lines " please deposit 0.02 btc to verify your account in order to withdraw" and while it might seem like a good deal , it's just another typical scam - in some cases , this type of scam is done by claiming you have won some free roullete spins , or free $ amount to place 1 bet on roullete , and your bet will magically win , for an astronomical figure , and in order to withdraw it you'd have to install a certain browser extension ( malware) , or deposit some fee.
Phishing websites and malware - Nowadays most popular websites have been targeted by scammers , and they've created identical websites where you'll input your credentials that way giving them acces to your accounts , so always make sure you check the address when you access an website , and best advice regarding this would be to always bookmark the pages , so that you don't accidentaly end up on a phishing website.
Be careful what apps/ executable files you download , there are too many cases of people losing their money due to downloading a certain app , browser extension etc . Always make sure you have an anti-virus running . Another way to go about it is before you acces a certain website , or install a certain software to scan it , there are online tools which can help you scan through the databases of different anti-viruses . Personally I use virustotal . Which scans it through around 100 different databases and is a pretty reliable source to know if a website or app is mallicious or not .
- Always double check the address where you're sending your coins to - One popular way for hackers to part you with your crypto is a small but efficient malware , a clipboard bug , which basically replaces any address you copy/paste with the address of the said hackers , a lot of people have fallen for this , so always make sure you double check where you're actually sending your money , it takes 10 seconds, and these 10 seconds might save you some valuable amounts of $.
I'll update this thread from time to time with new info , I know it's a bit to read , but the 2 minutes you'll take reading this might be the 2 minutes that will save you from losing your crypto in the future. So stay safe guys :D