1000 TRX -

The newest casino in the cryptocurrency sphere will be opening its doors soon.

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This is about 1mm away from being a straight scam site - not provably fair by any means. Made by the same people who created betfury, which also is far from provably fair yet they tout that it is on their site. I've also heard all of the stories of you guys trying to convince certain individuals in organizations to get you certified as im sure any fairness certifier would laugh after taking a look at your RNG (or lack of) along with other PF requirements that all other actual provably fair sites have.

I don't suggest playing at this rigged casino thats being shilled, much less depositing crypto. Plain and simple. I also like how you obscured the name of the site using a link shortener. Shows real confidence in what you're advertising.

digitaldash said:

This is about 1mm away from being a straight scam site - not provably fair by any means. Made by the same people who created betfury, which also is far from provably fair yet they tout that it is on their site. I've also heard all of the stories of you guys trying to convince certain individuals in organizations to get you certified as im sure any fairness certifier would laugh after taking a look at your RNG (or lack of) along with other PF requirements that all other actual provably fair sites have.

I don't suggest playing at this rigged casino thats being shilled, much less depositing crypto. Plain and simple. I also like how you obscured the name of the site using a link shortener. Shows real confidence in what you're advertising.

I agree , judging from their history it's best not to touch it.

Kirito89 said:

I agree , judging from their history it's best not to touch it.

Yep, it appears that they're pulling an investment/ponzi scam while also trying to make money off people betting on games that aren't even provably fair. Why do people fall for such garbage...