I've been running tests on a couple strategies with auto and flash and have some recommendations for those wanting instant results... proceed with caution.
I personally have stopped using flash due to the results I'm seeing, but as an example:
- betting a simple martingale / min bet 10 sats / 2x payout / max bet 0.0065536 (16x badluck) / auto switch high/low on loss
- running (30) 2000 bets on auto (60,000 bets total) I have 3 bad breaks where I catch 16 reds in a row and reach my max bet to stop autobet.
- running (10) 6000 bets on flash (60,000 bets total) I have 7 bad breaks where I catch 16 reds to stop autobet.
comparing the 2 in this scenario we hit the rare 16 reds number a respectable 10% of the time in auto mode - while - we hit a rare 16 red streak 70% of the time in flash mode.
This is an example of a strategy I'm willing to share for discussion. I have a few other strategies I'm not willing to share, but, for me, they've each validated the need to not be tempted by the flash mode on DD.
Hope this helps young and old as they find their groove on DD.
**Verify all bets and for questions about fairness click the "Fair" button in the DD footer.
note: I believe the randomize algo for dice (serverseed+clientseed+nonce) is the reason auto yields realistic results vs flash results. I haven't dived too far into this, but my hunch is the quickness of flash compromises the randomness provided by the nonce over time (auto & manual).
Don't Trust. Verify