Tested NANO faucet :D

Earn NANO with instant payments and no fees.


Found this cute NANO faucet where you can claim some free NANO or make some tasks like watching videos for it :D it's tested and working well..best thing is that there is no min WD ..so you can withdraw every 8 minutes or so directly to your NANO address that you have setted in setting ,withdrawals are instant soo...if ya find it fine enjoy :D Earn NANO with instant payments and no fees.


Is it actually worth it ? XD

Kirito89 said:

Is it actually worth it ? XD

Not at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but it works 🤪😂

miki said:

Not at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but it works 🤪😂

Haha got it XD , so basically one of those ones you claim everyday to get like 1 $ per month XD

Kirito89 said:

Haha got it XD , so basically one of those ones you claim everyday to get like 1 $ per month XD

yah ...spoke with a guy that have over 5k reffss ...for him its pretty good :P

Alright , then I'll do you the honour of becoming your refferal XD

Kirito89 said:

Alright , then I'll do you the honour of becoming your refferal XD

Just opened app after like at least 3 months ...got about 60 bucks reff earning 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

miki said:

Just opened app after like at least 3 months ...got about 60 bucks reff earning 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

just like the other referral marketing xD but most important thing it pays.

Yeah it totally pays :D that's the true

miki said:

Yeah it totally pays :D that's the true

still paying up to now?!

Unsure.. been ages since I looked at it xd Maybe I should login and find millions in commission 😆

Good miningbsite play games and do tasks to get power and miners block rewarded every 10 min multiple currency.


Bitbet81111 said:

Good miningbsite play games and do tasks to get power and miners block rewarded every 10 min multiple currency.


legit one ? :) I mean nowadays these things are just not worth it generally xd

miki said:

legit one ? :) I mean nowadays these things are just not worth it generally xd

its legit they just make the minimum widrawal higher since the price of coins go up aswell.