Flashbet Easter Egg Hunt - Most 0 Hits Wins!

Ready for some Easter themed flashbet fun?? Calling all you 0 hunters!


  • Must post a recent deposit of at least 0.001 BTC (equiv.) AND tag at least one known zero hunter to enter. Tag as many friends as you like!
  • Must use flashbet with 0.01% Win Chance (9900x) rolling Low side only. All other settings are up to you!
  • Winner will be the player who has the most 0 (zero) hits in a single flashbet.
  • You can post as many entries as you like, but please do so sparingly.
  • Contest will run for one week!


  • 1st $45
  • 2nd $20
  • 3rd $11
  • 4th $7
  • 5th $5
  • 6th $4
  • 7th $3
  • 8th $2
  • 9th $2
  • 10th $1

Happy Easter and good luck duckers!

Thanks for this new contest, will play this for sure 😂




@aaron1223 haha


@ohidul2 😂



@%a748365562 @arleneshane

How is everbody doing with this so far ?

%a2456928b5 @Eugene30 @aaron1223 @Osangyi

Why didn't anyone tagged me :(

@Dre1982 there you go HAHAHAHA



snnaveed said:







goodluck guys!