Thread to discuss new sniper game we have on duck

My main idea of improvement, based on the first round we have:
Is to have the 5 places instead of 10
But each place has 2 winners.
One winner with highest wager on target. And second winner with highest number of target hits.

I feel it will be more fair for everyone and more challaenging)

Interesting, i'd wait for more rounds and more feedback thou :)



I would love it to happen more often ;)

id like to see more of a '''in between targets'' like 9000 to 9999 rathter than of specific target klike the last 0ne with 0 3 9 target..

you can lessen the chance of hits though like 9900 to 9950

Is it possible a hunter get over 40000 rolls on an hour?! This is happen on the last sniper yesterday

The game is good, the time is testing to be able to have better feedback.

 I prefer the game to hit specific targets, make it more competitive "targets 0, 3, 9 or small targets within 0 to 10".

 The prize could only be for the top 5. and have a better frequency. because the global time changes from one place to another. it would be nice to have 3 every day shift.

Viguistam said:

The game is good, the time is testing to be able to have better feedback.

 I prefer the game to hit specific targets, make it more competitive "targets 0, 3, 9 or small targets within 0 to 10".

 The prize could only be for the top 5. and have a better frequency. because the global time changes from one place to another. it would be nice to have 3 every day shift.

I agree with all of these points. A bit more variety in the type of challenges and a little more focus on the prizepool (maybe based on total wagered amount)

will schedule bunch of improvements, i'll keep you posted