Hey Guys,
Just wanted to put my idea out there.
What if there were a "currecy" that was unique to DuckDice.
It's not worth anything, cannot be withdrawn or deposited, but you could claim a high amount of it (1000x or 10000x faucet) for testiing purposes or for simply messing around with?
I love testing strats/theories and i mainly do this with faucet, but faucet is very tiny because obviously you don't want everyone to make money out of faucet coz the Duck will go bankrupt.
But if there was a free coin with 0 value you could claim, we could still test strats and make scripts using this new worthless currency, and then when ready put it to the test using real currency.
You could potentially make new games/acheivements out of said currency, with small prizes for over acheivers or something alike.