NEW flash bet Martingale 2 week challenge!!

OK Guys -- time to change it up a bit!


Number one Top Streak --

80 USD

Number two Top Streak --

50 USD

Number three top streak --

30 USD

and 4 people will get 10 USD each for participating randomly -- I will put everyone except the top 3 into and select the top 4 of the list who have participated -- you do not need to post a winning result for this but still must be a martingale streak.

If I get ties for top 3 spots -- I will try to work out how split prizes fairly this time instead of leaving it too chance.

Entry requirement:

  1. Must be 1 foot on entering -- please post your level stat in thread
  2. Must have made a deposit of at least 0.001 BTC or equivalent in the last 2 weeks -- please post your deposit in the thread.

Rules of the game:

  1. Must use Flashbet, Must use 50% win chance, Must double your bet on win as a setting
  2. The person with the longest winning martingale streak wins
  3. You can set it so that it only rolls x number of times, e.g. you do not have to end on a loss (I hope some people benefit from there great green streak attempts)
  4. You must post your flashbet game in this thread stats AND game id -- you can do so as many times as you like but please do so sparingly if possible!! (i make mistakes, bad bobo)
  5. Contest will end in 2 weeks today! Prizes will be paid that day or the following day hopefully!

Please tell your friends :) Let's make forum competitions a regular fun thing!! :)

So from what I understand, the winners are just gonna be the people who have the biggest bankroll and can afford to keep doubling the bet. Please correct me if im wrong....

Still only 7 winners!! Challenge getting tough and it will run for long, 14 days. If many people try it but can't mange to stay in top 7 afer losing much for the challenge and spending time, they will loss their interest. Not fair contest. You guys should have prize for more winner. Not big prize to few people. Split it for more people. Best regards ...

Mahdirakib87 said:

Still only 7 winners!! Challenge getting tough and it will run for long, 14 days. If many people try it but can't mange to stay in top 7 afer losing much for the challenge and spending time, they will loss their interest. Not fair contest. You guys should have prize for more winner. Not big prize to few people. Split it for more people. Best regards ...

that's why there's 4 places open for any who participate and it will come down to a roll of the dice whether they win --- so still worth participating

DrDucky said:

So from what I understand, the winners are just gonna be the people who have the biggest bankroll and can afford to keep doubling the bet. Please correct me if im wrong....

nope, as it doesn't have to end on a loss - for example you can set number of bets as 10 (or whichever the streak is too beat) -- and if lucky, end on a win. Also you can participate with any funds, faucet, rain, tip, deposit, and start from a min bet, i hope people try to use this challenge too make some money too but the actual risk to you is quite small with martingale really (the worst is you end up where you started after winning a chunk) (ok minus house edge)

Winners can be anybody :) as long as you've made a deposit of 0.001btc or equivalent within the last two weeks, you are able to use faucet funds for the contest.

You could technically start a flashbet game at 10sat base bet, and set it to stop on loss so you only possibly lose 10sat per flashbet game. You could set it to stop after a certain amount of rolls as well if you're worried about losing possible funds, a game should never be about losing so try to come up with a strategy that will make whatever balance you have last while at the same time trying to maximize rolls :)




I shall grab the trophy away from royallyducked! :D



Good luck everybody :D

keep the thread alive! more participants guys!come and join🙂





Got 12 in a row so far 😀 (263753bf5eb87eb Starting bet ID for the streak)


11 wins


12 wins (nonce 29463441-29463452)

