Hello guys! Today, I would like to recommend a casino game named Cleo’s Gold. I won 90ubtc with 20ubtc. I feel quite good about winning, but everyone has different luck. Good luck to all in this promotion.
1 real player - 1 account - 1 post
Just post your winning page under this topic.
If participants are less than 5, the rewards will be sent to each people 0.00006BTC (0.0006/12).
Prize Pool(s) (based on the number of unique players):
Minimum prize pool: 0.0006BTC
If over 12 participants: 0.001BTC
If over 20 participants: 0.002 BTC
If over 30 participants: 0.003 BTC
If over 200 participants: 0.08 BTC
Minimum Bet
BTC: 2000 satoshi( only BTC is available )
Ends: 28/10/2019 (9 am) UTC
How to enter: Click here