How can we convince guys with negative thought and experience in other gambling sites to joined us here in Duckdice?
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New Player Registration No Deposit Bonus of some kind or even just advertising the fact that duckdice has a decent faucet that actually gives u a decent little starting amount to try out the site for all gamblers is a HUGE deciding factor for new players to join....I’m pretty sure thats how I ended up joining way back when....
For a site’s Faucet to be enticing for players it must not only give u a decent amount of faucet claims per day (10+ of a decent faucet amount is usually enticing enough to want to join/play, though my favorite crypto-casinos usually have faucets dishing out 100-1000satoshi per claim, with \~20-35 faucet claims per 24hr period...) and the site’s faucet must also give players more than 99satoshi per faucet claim (since anything less can not only be lost instantly but also doesnt hook a gambler...playing 1-99 satoshi bets on any multiplier isnt as addictinly fun as playing at least 100satoashi bets...i typically get into gamblin mode/have fun when i can turn 100satoshi into anything past 1000 satoshi, which is chumpchange for the site and gets me hooked into playing greedily until i lose it all, usually wont get past about 100000 satoshi at max before busting...)
This is just my opinion, but I’ve been runnin through dozens of various cryto-casinos for about 2 years now and out of all of my main go-to sites that I usually visit on a daily basis, ALL have decent faucets with 100-1000 satoshi claim amounts allowing 20-35 claims per 24hr period. (All sites I joined and play on a daily basis have faucets or rain features that can be claimed/received without having to deposit first...)
Overall, in my opinion, to attract more players to join the duckdice community, the site must prmote new no deposit bonuses anfd/ot promote/advertise the s*** outta the great faucet feature already in operation, and all other bonuses/promos not requiring a deposit of some sort....