Award for missing Jackpots

Not the most seriously meant idea, but one nevertheless:

So far I have like 3-4 missed Jackpots (due to a too low bet amount). It's the best-worst feeling, knowing you just missed big.

And I feel like that is worth an award. There are some for other accomplishments that are slightly humorous as well.

That way I can cry myself to sleep at night, knowing how often I missed the JP.

Good idea, why not 😂

I agree this would be a fun implementatio since I myself have missed 3-5 due to low bet in just the 5 months I have been a duck

magikarp said:

Not the most seriously meant idea, but one nevertheless:

So far I have like 3-4 missed Jackpots (due to a too low bet amount). It's the best-worst feeling, knowing you just missed big.

And I feel like that is worth an award. There are some for other accomplishments that are slightly humorous as well.

That way I can cry myself to sleep at night, knowing how often I missed the JP.

will it not make you annoyed or pissed?just like the greed is good award,tho it doesnt have a real meaning they always say thats rude,,for you might be cool but to others?hmmm but i like your idea honestly.just hope some will be sports with that award if ever 😉