“Provably Fair” Streak Contest #2

See who can get the longest red streak at 33% (3x) odds.


-Must use Flashbet, and post Flashbet game stats in thread.

-Use "stop flashbet on win" setting so only losing bets plus one winning bet are in each game.

-Win chance set to 33% (3x), no bet size min

-Enter as many times as you want.


1st 0.00010000 BTC

2nd 0.00005000 BTC

3rd 0.00002500 BTC

Challenge ends August 30 at 01:00 UTC Duckdice Chat Server Time

36 reds already got it 😂

ginsil said:

36 reds already got it 😂

need to show us like this to enter the contest bro :))


8 losses


I'm sure you can all do better then this .....

bump for mr ace

Curent Leader Board

1) Magikarp --> 16

2) Magikarp --> 14

3) RoyallyDucked841 --> 13

3 days left Guy's, prizes still up for grabs... 😂

bump for mr ace

Last day of this contest guy's, come on, have a go !!

Mahdirakib87 said:

WOW >>> 19 losses

Mahdirakib87 said:

Booooo! :D (and grats)

Out of curiosity, why is your flashbet, when opening, only showing one bet and not 20? That is weird, never seen that happen.