Hi :) So if you've been doing crypto for a while you've no doubt heard about primedice. It was one of the very first just crypto dice games on the market, I used to play sealswithclubs enders dice bot etc so it wasn't necessarily the very very first but it was certainly the first i saw with it's own dice page etc :)
They're still going strong www.primedice.com -- alas, as it's not 2013, no 50k satoshi rains every 10 minutes or faucet (we still have a faucet!) and of course they grew their sister platform stake.com too great success.
It's worth checking out, i actually think duckdice.io offering is much better for the average player now but i might be a little judgemental...
I rarely visit but you can find me on there as bobchance, bobstoned, bobstones, various names of that nature as i'm terrible with remembering passwords XD
It's fair to say there are a alot of primedice users from back in the day who come visit here :) and some terribe, beautful, lovely stories we can all share about our experiences there.