Hi all,
If you go to https://www.duckdice.io/profile you will see we've added a wide array of additional stats so you can check in on your gambling habits a bit deeper as well as new ways of using your overall wager level for additional benefits
Boosts initially are only for duckhunts but we plan much more with them to come.
If you have any feedback, bugs to report, any additional information can you post here so we can keep track of your thoughts
Thanks guys and enjoy!
More about Duckhunt Bonus
https://duckdice.io/bonuses/duck-hunt ---- here is a neat little explanation but simply on the level tab, you can claim them all in one go without issue, this will allow you a certain amount of boosters
with your boosters you can upgrade your own personal experience with duckhunt
you add levels to your firearm (basically making it much easier to click around the duck) and the flight speed i believe is reduced
you can also increase the amount of ducks you will see in a week
note these are time limited upgrades