community/jackpot/avalanche jars

Hello ducklings, I would like to introduce this idea:

We create 3 jars: $100, $1k and $10k

Instead of sending rain, the community could send tips to this jar and once filled, it causes an avalanche of rain

for the $100jar, once filled 10x$10 rains ($1 each for 100 people)

1k jar gives 100 people $10

10k jar gives 10 people 1k each

the person to cause the avalanche will be the first one included

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I actually really like this idea, maybe not every aspect of how you detail it could work, like maybe only jar participators can get rain, rather than the first to tip the avalanche, but i also like the idea of there being somr reward for doing so, maybe a shout out in the chat? but a community rain system is something that's been advocated and thought about a few times so yeah, i like it

I'll make note of this and bring it to our over-worked devs attention :)

what do other people think?

^^agreed with whats said frim bobos side ., definitely a good idea to develope

Solenya said:

Hello ducklings, I would like to introduce this idea:

We create 3 jars: $100, $1k and $10k

Instead of sending rain, the community could send tips to this jar and once filled, it causes an avalanche of rain

for the $100jar, once filled 10x$10 rains ($1 each for 100 people)

1k jar gives 100 people $10

10k jar gives 10 people 1k each

the person to cause the avalanche will be the first one included

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This actually seems like a pretty cool idea .

I'm totally in favour of this idea, it's pretty cool! 😎

we could give a shout out to the person who ulocks the thing like bob said; you may change/edit anything in this idea to make it doable.

I haven't heard anything from ducklings visiting the thread

Solenya said:

we could give a shout out to the person who ulocks the thing like bob said; you may change/edit anything in this idea to make it doable.

I haven't heard anything from ducklings visiting the thread

it really sounds good but i guess it will only work in english room since its the only room that have a lot of players...we cant make it in ph since we are only like 50 or 60 in there...but im in favor with this one to be honest.

Solenya said:

Hello ducklings, I would like to introduce this idea:

We create 3 jars: $100, $1k and $10k

Instead of sending rain, the community could send tips to this jar and once filled, it causes an avalanche of rain

for the $100jar, once filled 10x$10 rains ($1 each for 100 people)

1k jar gives 100 people $10

10k jar gives 10 people 1k each

the person to cause the avalanche will be the first one included

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Cool idea !! Especially the ones who includes who caused the avalanche first as you said ))

Solenya said:

Hello ducklings, I would like to introduce this idea:

We create 3 jars: $100, $1k and $10k

Instead of sending rain, the community could send tips to this jar and once filled, it causes an avalanche of rain

for the $100jar, once filled 10x$10 rains ($1 each for 100 people)

1k jar gives 100 people $10

10k jar gives 10 people 1k each

the person to cause the avalanche will be the first one included

leave your thoughts/comments

definitely nice idea, 😀

hope admins really agree this one, its a good one.

bumping this thread...