I feel this would fall under "beggers" which is against the rules, i get messages all the time from people crying about missed rain, and i do see that in chat all the time! I agree, maybe not a mute, but make birds for only those who have deposited, a minimum, of like say 5 bucks or somthing, that way, the amount of birds one would need to get will take so long, and it just would make it far more profitable. although a few friends of mine have gambled some and lost, they do sit and wait for birds, for those who dont have much, 5 cents 3x a day everyday does add up, but never to 20 USD for WD, so it makes sense that birds would be for everyone! If there is not a deposit set for birds to work (as it is a perk for the site, and its awesome and retains users) muting during chat should be a thing for repeat chatters in regards to crying over birds (me and a few friends treat is as a mini game and time birds and bet between us which 5 minute interval birds will arrive) but i do think, it would be classified as "begging" and a warning should be made, or a statement well known, that you cant just sit here, 0 feet, cry about rain and birds, and just troll faucets and just overall beg,.. i think its a good idea all said and done