Extra Prize for Snipers

3 min read

What is Sniper Race? 

Sniper Race is one of the side games on DuckDice. It is essentially a regular bonus game where one player may gamble against other active players to win prizes. This type of side game is called Races because they are limited by time hence being very fast and short. DuckDice's Sniper Race is different from usual Races. Normally to win in the Race game you just need to out wager all other participants, either by placing bigger bets or by placing more bets, or both. On DuckDice apart from this, there is a so-called "Target Roll" - this is currently a range of bet outcomes, to be exact from 0 to 100, but subject to change. As a matter of fact, we have h requests to reduce this range to a single-digit number to add more challenge to the game. 

How to start Sniper Race? 
This game is automated and launches twice a day by DuckDice. Currently, it is at 3 am and 3 pm server time, which is UTC time.

How to participate? 

Any player can join any Sniper Race at any time, before or during the Race. You can find scheduled Races by clicking on a Sniper Race icon located near the chat icon or checking chat notifications for upcoming Races. 

How to win Sniper Race? 

We have already figured out that every Race has one winning number or a range of winning numbers aka "Target Rolls". A target roll is a number on Eggs, just to be clear. The participant needs to hit any Target Roll with a bet, meaning, making any roll and rolling a number from target rolls, currently from 0 to 100. If there are more winners than specified, those with the highest wagered amount win. For the Race win, we only count the total bet amount from bets you've hit Target Rolls with. 

New Extra Bonus 

After the Sniper Race is completed one of the top participants will win an Extra Prize, a lucky winner will be selected randomly but must be among the winners, currently it is top 10 participants. At the moment the Extra free prize is 5 USD and the Races are a total win amount of 50 USD. But, this is all subject to change and we working on big promo Races.
Additional thing to know 

Sniper races are free to join, you only need balance to place bets and you can bet on any chance and with any bet amount. Just note that we count the total bet amounts from bets that hit Target Rolls to choose winners. 

Give us your feedback and good luck, snipers!