Flashbet Strategies

Sukh123 said:

Check this guys Ζ’a5934879b5

@snnaveed I played this strategy with decoys, you can try this too.

Sukh123 said:

@snnaveed I played this strategy with decoys, you can try this too.

thanks πŸ˜€... i will try this to take a big win 😍

snnaveed said:

thanks πŸ˜€... i will try this to take a big win 😍

Sure, good luck with that:))

Hope you guys are doing good with flashbet πŸ˜€

I'm testing some new strategies and will post here soon.

How are you guys doing with flashbet πŸ˜€

Happy weekend guys πŸ˜€

any new strat? im planning to wager later after work. thanks in advance

aishteru said:

any new strat? im planning to wager later after work. thanks in advance

Try with chance 33% inc on loss 40%, rolls 2000 with min bet, min balance required 10$, good luckπŸ˜ƒ

Keep posting your strategies guysπŸ˜‰πŸ˜€

You guys can try 10% chance and inc on loss 20% rolls 50 with faucets, keep trying again and again, It will work for sureπŸ˜‰

Hi guys how are you doing with flashbet? πŸ˜€

Keep posting your flashbet strategies guys πŸ˜€

Still working on some new strategies πŸ™‚

3% chance and increase on loss 3.2% is still working fine for me:))