Let's do the calculation for them:
Bitcoin price at 9 of December 2020 was: $18,546 (https://www.investing.com/crypto/bitcoin/historical-data).
So BTC faucets for all levels would be:
Level 0 was : 0.0000015 BTC would be $0,027819
Level 1 was : 0.000005 BTC would be $0,09273
Level 2 was : 0.00001 BTC would be $0,18546
Level 3 was : 0.00002 BTC would be $0,37092
Level 4 was : 0.00003 BTC would be $0,55638
Level 5 was : 0.000035 BTC would be $0,64911
Yes I 100% agree with this, but I think HE should go bacc to the 1% it was always at.... 5% is a 500% increase... kinda extreme. Maybe 2% or 2.5% would actually make sense, for faucets. But 5% is just insane.