@Stan - pasting the code doesnt work, but cryptojors tree is fully assembled )
Awesome one after all :D omg cryptojor won :
Awesome promotion, thx guys 😃
nice promotion. thanks😃
wow. how much you totally wagered?
awiieee is this the first tree assembled?
good luck
awesome win .. cryptojor
ayieeee ❤️❤️❤️ congrats with that jor... very first fully assembled christmas tree.
[NEW] Level 100 Golden Tree added! The first to unlock it and send on this thread win $1000 !
I unlocked it
wow! thats a good amount... goodluck guys!
Everyone seems to like this promotion, maybe we should consider having it as a pemanent game option ?
Seunthie dice bot now supports Ney Year mode!