a bigggggggg thank you to the community of DD :)

Rambo4eva said:

Thx for the kind words @bobstone man, appricieate it alot. When i first started this gangsta dice thing i did not imagine i would meet so many cool and good people, so shout out to all the cool ones! gonna go with a few, list is long... @Fl0gg1nj0ggi1g @phon_ @Kirito89 @Solenya @Acetehoge and many more! Love you all mother blenders

Seing as clearly bob is afraid of my up and coming popularity he delibarately made this thread to bring the attention away from me . ( jk) , thank you for the cool words Rambo , and keep being glamourous.

here's my list of all time favorite Ducklings I adore, apologies for those I didn't mention, for I am almost always high: @Cryptonik @Rambo4eva @Miki @bibstone @chips2coins @will12 @Mahdirakib87 @Magioss @Bubbas688 @kingsamir @Jamiufifteen15 and of course spartacus aka @Rastamon

Solenya said:

here's my list of all time favorite Ducklings I adore, apologies for those I didn't mention, for I am almost always high: @Cryptonik @Rambo4eva @Miki @bibstone @chips2coins @will12 @Mahdirakib87 @Magioss @Bubbas688 @kingsamir @Jamiufifteen15 and of course spartacus aka @Rastamon


As I love people who exceed others in anything possible, an honorable mention goes to the saddest duck I ever know: @aalianss.. there you go.... to me you're so secial you deserve an exclusive post, just for you :p

Solenya said:

As I love people who exceed others in anything possible, an honorable mention goes to the saddest duck I ever know: @aalianss.. there you go.... to me you're so secial you deserve an exclusive post, just for you :p

Love you bro πŸ‘ thanks alot :) u r my best bro who always listen to me and make me feel comfi sometimes 😜 thanks again bro for showing ur love ❀🌷


Rambo4eva said:

Thx for the kind words @bobstone man, appricieate it alot. When i first started this gangsta dice thing i did not imagine i would meet so many cool and good people, so shout out to all the cool ones! gonna go with a few, list is long... @Fl0gg1nj0ggi1g @phon_ @Kirito89 @Solenya @Acetehoge and many more! Love you all mother blenders

Reading that put a smile on my face. Thank you bro that means a lot. Love all ya crazy ducks, rock on.

I was under the shower thinking of you too, such a coincidence... xD

And thanks for brighten my day, much appreciated,

I will always wonder who you were before bobchance and bobstone because I know we know eachother longer... But even under those alts it's been a few years already. =))

I'd hug you if it wasnt a terroristic act right now... We all love our Bob

Since Rambo is the only one that tagged me , he'll be the only one from now receiving my anonymus tips #bobsfault #dramaqueen.

he says anoymous, 'cos he doesn't tip anyone XD

@Fatduck is back, so he deserves a place here

f fatduck and all of his antics! ban him

thanks for not mentioning me.,i dont have any tissue to wipe away the tears if you ever mentioned me.,anyway heres the guy who never forget to greet me everyday when i chat in english room,. @mistro duck day will never be completed without your greets.,and of coure the great great @solenya will always be there..May not be the active mharckie youve seen in the first two years of duckdice but i always love you ducklings,always i will.., i wish can tag you all with @all here.,And to the bosses of Duckdice especially @Stan thank for letting me be part of the team.,i will always be grateful.

mharckie said:

thanks for not mentioning me.,i dont have any tissue to wipe away the tears if you ever mentioned me.,anyway heres the guy who never forget to greet me everyday when i chat in english room,. @mistro duck day will never be completed without your greets.,and of coure the great great @solenya will always be there..May not be the active mharckie youve seen in the first two years of duckdice but i always love you ducklings,always i will.., i wish can tag you all with @all here.,And to the bosses of Duckdice especially @Stan thank for letting me be part of the team.,i will always be grateful.

Don't take it personally :'( you know i love my mharck mharck.