Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Dice Competitionโ
Win as many bets as you can in Dice by rolling palindrome numbers.
A palindrome is a number (or word) that reads the same backward as forward. All the possible palindromes in Dice are listed below.
00.00, 01.10, 02.20, 03.30, 04.40, 05.50, 06.60, 07.70, 08.80, 09.90, 10.01, 11.11, 12.21, 13.31, 14.41, 15.51, 16.61, 17.71, 18.81, 19.91, 20.02, 21.12, 22.22, 23.32, 24.42, 25.52, 26.62, 27.72, 28.82, 29.92, 30.03, 31.13, 32.23, 33.33, 34.43, 35.53, 36.63, 37.73, 38.83, 39.93, 40.04, 41.14, 42.24, 43.34, 44.44, 45.54, 46.64, 47.74, 48.84, 49.94, 50.05, 51.15, 52.25, 53.35, 54.45, 55.55, 56.65, 57.75, 58.85, 59.95, 60.06, 61.16, 62.26, 63.36, 64.46, 65.56, 66.66, 67.76, 68.86, 69.96, 70.07, 71.17, 72.27, 73.37, 74.47, 75.57, 76.67, 77.77, 78.87, 79.97, 80.08, 81.18, 82.28, 83.38, 84.48, 85.58, 86.68, 87.78, 88.88, 89.98, 90.09, 91.19, 92.29, 93.39, 94.49, 95.59, 96.69, 97.79, 98.89, 99.99
Win a share of the prize pool that can go up to 0.1 BTC!
Check out our Bitcointalk topic or Blog to see the details!
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