Calling all X-smokers, help me to quit smoking.

Jebula9999 said:

I stopped smoking with the help of vaping about 4 years ago (Maybe more)

I started on 12mg Nicotine back then, i am currently on 2mg Nicotine (High power device)

I can say from my own experience, it takes about 7 days for the "itch" to go away.
The main habbit you will have trouble breaking is the actual having a cig habbit, the taking it out, lightnig it and smoking it.
You will have to find things to keep you busy during your normal "Smoking time"

For me it was morning coffee and a ciggie, that was a 10 year long ritual i had developed, i didn't crave the cig, but i craved sitting on the porch, having my morning coffee and cig.
Now i can go to resturaunts and not have a drag of my vape for a few hours and it doesn't bother me.
My girlfriend still smokes, and i still light one for her now and again, but i never get the "itch" to smoke anymore.

Hey man, thanks for your input and support, appreciated --- >>> "but i never get the "itch" to smoke anymore." I hope this will be how I feel at somepoint soon ๐Ÿ˜‚

Day 7 - all good......

Wish me luck guy's ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Day 8 - Still not been tempted whatsoever, no issues about stopping the smoking hobby, don't even think about cigarettes anymore, which must be a good sign.

Had some friends come over last night, they smoked in the garden, I stayed with the non-smokers in the house, first time in 10 years, that made me smile ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Today I may try to visit the Vape shop, looking to downgrade the 20mg/ml nicotine to 15mg/ml but last week they were out of stock, lets hope they have a new batch in...

Wish me luck guy's ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Day 9 - Everything is going well, the need for or the thinking about or "itching" for a cigarette are long gone, don't even think about this anymore....which is a really good sign.

The nicotine Vape is doing it's job, now just thinking about lowering the "juice" nicotine content again, down form 20mg/ml to 15mg/ml or 10mg/ml, but this is a big step so needs to be planned carefully for this coming week.

Wish me luck guys ๐Ÿ˜‚

Day 10. Really hard day today, a few real life things happening making me puff & puff the vape, but got through it in the end.

Food is beginning to taste better as well....

Wish me luck guy's ๐Ÿ˜‚

Acetehoge said:

Day 10. Really hard day today, a few real life things happening making me puff & puff the vape, but got through it in the end.

Food is beginning to taste better as well....

Wish me luck guy's ๐Ÿ˜‚

Man, so many benifits to quitting smoking. Not only good tasting food, but you will notice you are not running out of breath from normal activities. Like I used to go up some stairs and feel exhausted. Also, just remember this. if you do slip up 1 time. dont let that bring your will down. just let that time go, and continue fighting and dont be so hard on your self. if you want to quit make that your ultimate goal. People always have hurdles in their path and you just have to keep moving forward.

What I did was i got one of those big cloud vap mods and started learning how to make my own coils and wick using organic cotton, kanthol, etc I think this took my mind off of smoking becasue it kept me occupied. Then i found a flavor i really liked, like I REALLY liked it. it was a mixture of, Hazelnut, Chololate, caramel, and cream (like from doughnuts) . Since i was using a big cloud vape, I really didnt need to have that much nic even from smoking 2 packs a day I started with a lot less nic, (8mg - 9mg) because you get so much vapor all at once. After a while, i was doing 6mg...then after a month or so I noticed I started getting headaches and realized it was from the nic. so i lowered to 3, then lowered to 1.5. After maybe 6 months after i found my flavor i was at almost nothing for nic. when i lost my vape, i just missed the clouds I used to make lol, no withdrawls at all. Smoked from when I was 10 years old till i was 29. 2 packs a day was a normal day, on more stressful days I was chainsmoking all the way up to 4 packs sometimes. Vaping, and a flavor called "Creamy Nut" changed my life.

A little tip, if you used to stop your activity before to take a smoke break, continue to take your breaks, even if you arent smoking. Humans are creatures of habit and sometimes you just need to do silly things like that, and thats a habit you can break later after the physical dependancy is gone.

Best wishes to you on your journey my friend, and if you ever need to talk my doors always open. =)

fasting...drinking a lot of water or consume kratoom

Gdoctor said:

Man, so many benifits to quitting smoking. Not only good tasting food, but you will notice you are not running out of breath from normal activities. Like I used to go up some stairs and feel exhausted. Also, just remember this. if you do slip up 1 time. dont let that bring your will down. just let that time go, and continue fighting and dont be so hard on your self. if you want to quit make that your ultimate goal. People always have hurdles in their path and you just have to keep moving forward.

What I did was i got one of those big cloud vap mods and started learning how to make my own coils and wick using organic cotton, kanthol, etc I think this took my mind off of smoking becasue it kept me occupied. Then i found a flavor i really liked, like I REALLY liked it. it was a mixture of, Hazelnut, Chololate, caramel, and cream (like from doughnuts) . Since i was using a big cloud vape, I really didnt need to have that much nic even from smoking 2 packs a day I started with a lot less nic, (8mg - 9mg) because you get so much vapor all at once. After a while, i was doing 6mg...then after a month or so I noticed I started getting headaches and realized it was from the nic. so i lowered to 3, then lowered to 1.5. After maybe 6 months after i found my flavor i was at almost nothing for nic. when i lost my vape, i just missed the clouds I used to make lol, no withdrawls at all. Smoked from when I was 10 years old till i was 29. 2 packs a day was a normal day, on more stressful days I was chainsmoking all the way up to 4 packs sometimes. Vaping, and a flavor called "Creamy Nut" changed my life.

A little tip, if you used to stop your activity before to take a smoke break, continue to take your breaks, even if you arent smoking. Humans are creatures of habit and sometimes you just need to do silly things like that, and thats a habit you can break later after the physical dependancy is gone.

Best wishes to you on your journey my friend, and if you ever need to talk my doors always open. =)

Thank you my friend for your thoughts and good wishes, very much appreciate your support... ๐Ÿ˜‰

Day 12 - Progress is going well, no interest in cigarettes whatsoever.

Today is a big day for me, late yesterday bought some more nicotine Vape juice, this is a big step down in nicotine content, 6 mg/ml !!!

I started with 25 mg/ml, currently down to and using 20 mg/ml without any issues but... later today I will change and start on the 6 mg/ml so i am expecting to be puffing away on the Vape for hours on end trying to get all the nicotine possible, haha.

Maybe this is too much too soon but just feel it's time to do it !!

If it doesn't work out I can always rise again in nicotine content but really want this to work..."will power" maybe....

Wish me luck guys ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Day 14 - 2 days of puffing away on nicotine Vape at 6mg/ml nicotine content and all is going well, quite supprised really that it wasn't more difficult with the sharp drop down in nicotine levels.

So will keep going with this for a week or so before looking for the next drop down.

No interest and no thinking about cigarettes anymore, woohoo...

Wish me continued luck guys ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Stopping step by step is the right thing to do bcoz sudden stop could higher the risk to get a heart attack bcoz our body/our blood is already used to nicotine, a doctor told me that :) You are on the right track my friend, wish i can follow your steps soon, keep it up ! :)

I quit smoking over 30 years ago, I simply decided to quit, it was difficult at first but I succeeded.๐Ÿ˜€

Day 16 - Been a bit hard last few days... this huge drop from 20mg/ml nicotine Vape juice to 6mg/ml nicotine content is a real challenge, but let's hope I have enough "will" power to keep going with this and not have to return back to the previous one.

It's been 4 days now with the 6mg/ml so I'm sure if I can get this to 1 week, it will start to be the norm and will just keep using this for a few weeks longer before trying to reduce/drop down again..

Wish me luck guys ๐Ÿ˜‚

Day 18 - Been feeling a bit sheety last couple days, pretty sure its from the massive drop down in nicotine content from the Vape juice but still not giving in or thinking at all about cigarettes, hopefully the cigarette side and the habbit/hobby of physically smoking at set times, like after meals for example is now broken for good.

Hopefully I can continue with the 6mg/ml juice until this becomes the "norm" over the next week or so, if not... will need to increase the strength again, which would be sad that's my challenge right now.

Wish me luck guy's ๐Ÿ˜‚

take your time and everything will be fine!good luck!