I used to buy more tickets because it is a little easier, today I rarely buy tickets. I confess that the jackpot is tempting: $.
Suggestion: You could have several draws within a lottery.
1st Diary.
Where to buy the ticket for 5k satoshi, and making a cumulative of 10% of the collected for the Monthly.
2 ° Weekly.
Where participants would pay 10k for the ticket and compete for the prize. and making a cumulative of 10% of the collected for the Monthly.
3rd Monthly.
Where participants could buy 5, 6, 7 or more numbers in a single ticket. the more numbers the more expensive the ticket would be and the more likely it was to hit.
Mandatorily would have to leave a winner to reset for the next month, either those who hit everything or who hit minus 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 kkkk.